Who is this stay for? Can we register individually?

This stay is intended for anyone with a minimum of  4-5 years of experience (6 years and over is preferable for leaders) in various contexts (local milongas, festivals, intensive weekends combining lessons and milongas, encuentros, etc.) with various partners

In order to facilitate parity, it is recommended that leaders do not hesitate to register individually, without first looking for a partner because, it will not surprise you, we always have more requests for followers than leaders, in particular dancers met in Buenos Aires and coming from all over Europe, the USA and South America.

Each leader who registers singly thus allows us to confirm the registration of a follower with a good level dance experience through a waiting list because we noticed that it is always the same people who do not manage to register however their level of dance would allow them to do so. We refuse to force everyone to find a partner before registering

Of course, you can also register as a couple, the idea being however to change partners during the evenings as is customary in the milongas

What do we mean by “encuenTRITO”? What type of milonga will it be?

The diminutive was chosen by the organizers to indicate that, as in the “encuentros”, there are many hours of dancing in closed embrace. However, it differs from encuentros which generally require the recording as a couple and select the dancers according to several criteria, not always explicit. We accept dancers to register singly or as couple and make every of us to include strong females followers.

It is a traditional milonga: tangos, vals and classic milongas music will be linked by tandas of 3 themes to ensure a good dynamic (important point widely acclaimed by the participants of previous editions). The choice of music will respect the standards of the encuentros and will allow itself, in particular at the end of the ball, some tandas of more recent orchestras, always chosen for their musical quality and their danceability.

The closed embrace and respect for the dance lines will be the rule, as well as the courteous invitation by exchange of glances (mirada then cabeceo), which the layout of the room will facilitate without strictly separating leaders and followers (things have changed a lot on this point, including in Buenos Aires). We will enforce these rules with a little more firmness in 2025.

Here, the spirit of openness prevails, while seeking the best possible balance between leaders and followers, we search to have dancers coming from a wide variety of regions of the world.

Who are the organizers?

For accommodation (58 rooms, 40 villas) and food (buffet meals), it is the staff of Mileade.

For the tango part, 3 people and a manager-DJ have joined forces to propose this concept to Mileade and complete the combined lesson+ball offers that already exist in the Resort of Roquebrune-sur-Argens.

The four of us bring together the experience of creating and organizing festivals and milongas and have attended European encuentros and milongas in many countries, particularly in Argentina, Uruguay and the USA.

Our desire is to offer a long weekend devoted to milongas in conditions of comfort, relaxation and conviviality in accordance with our own requirements as dancers.

Will there be sharing moments offered outside the milongas?

The principle is to leave the greatest freedom to everyone for the management of their stay.
Other activities will be proposed by the organizers, in the light of the success met by the entertainments of the previous editions.

Having the whole holiday village allows us to have a wide range of living spaces adapted to what we want to do, often with the participation of registered people.

Assistance will be offered to carpool to visit the surrounding area with the possibility of requesting a packed lunch the day prior.

Is the ball room air-conditioned?

Yes ! but the experience show how difficult it is to manage this type of equipment with a large number of couples practicing the abrazo cerrado.

How to reach the holiday village if arriving by train, plane or carpooling?

From January, we will be asking registrants about their intentions and expectations in terms of transport, based on our experience in Roquebrune for connections with Nice airport (planned shuttles) and the station of Saint-Raphaël/Valescure.

For your end of the journey, we will help you to carpool and and find cost-shared shuttles.

If you wish to carpool from your home, as far as possible you will be put in touch with subscribers whose journey is compatible with yours, which will put you in the Encuentrito atmosphere and reduce your transport costs.

(special thanks to Laura Crowne for translation)

Cricou Tango