Registrations for the 5th edition of ENCUENTRITO from June 5 to 10, 2025

(stays of 3, 4 or 5 nights of your choice) are open since October 1, 2024 at 3 p.m.!

Here is the link to fill out a registration request form: CLICK HERE

Attention: CHOOSE your package from the options offered below BEFORE filling out the form


You can also register for the Facebook group by clicking HERE

The overall satisfaction rate of the responses to the 2024 evaluation questionnaire was 19.1 out of 20, so we are renewing the formula in 2025, taking into account the suggestions made.

You have asked us to offer longer stays. We are therefore proposing stays of 5, 4 or 3 days.

What are the strengths of this event, which takes its inspiration from the ‘encuentros’ while modifying some of their characteristics?

Above all, it allows a real meeting between passionate tangueros coming from many countries and knowing, for many, the tango of Buenos Aires where the project was built over the course of the tango nights.

A “turnkey” weekend including, in a single registration: up to 8 milongas, on-site accommodation, buffet meals, soft drinks and snacks during the balls, travel assistance for participants arriving by plane and train, a car-sharing application for people who want to come by car.

A weekend truly among tangueros because the 98 accommodations in the holiday village and all the associated facilities are reserved for us (swimming pool, gym, bar, park) from Friday in a magnificent region (Saint Raphaël and Sainte Maxime nearby), Saint Tropez in 20 mn by shuttle boat… See the map: HERE

160 participants maximum for great conviviality with leaders/followers parity while accepting individual registrations. Gentlemen dancers coming solo, you are more than welcome!

Read and/or download the stay presentation sheet:  HERE

For more information about your stay, see the questions and answers at the bottom of the page.




(Room and villa are the same price)

Option XXL from Thursday 5 (4.30pm) to Tuesday 10 June (10am) 2025 full board (*) and 7 milongas.
Double occupancy: 481 euros/person – Single occupancy: 581 euros

Option XL-1 from Thursday 5 (4.30pm) to Monday 9 June (10.30am) 2025 full board and 7 milongas
Double occupancy: 413 euros/person – Single occupancy: 493 euros

Option XL-2 from Friday 6 (4pm) to Tuesday 10 June (10am) 2025 full board (*) and 6 milongas
Double occupancy: 394 euros/person – Single occupancy: 474 euros

Option L from Friday 6 to Monday 9 June 2025 with full board and 5 milongas
Double occupancy: 326 euros/person – Single occupancy: 386 euros

(*) Excluding Monday evening meal due to the Issambres milonga (3pm-11pm)

Click HERE for an example of the quotation you will receive after your registration request



Thursday 5 June 2025

  • Check-in by Mileade staff from 4:30-7:30 pm
  • Dinner: 7:00-8:30 pm
  • Milonga #1 music by DJ CyberChris (France)  9:30 pm -2:00 am (**)

Friday 6 June 2025

  • Breakfast: 8:00 am – 10:00 am (coffee service from 10-11:00 a.m. for late arrivals)
  • Optional activity: 11:00 am-12:00 am. Yoga by Laura Crowne (free, upon registration)
  • Lunch: 12:00-2:00 pm
  • Optional activity: 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm. Excursion (to be defined, fee payable, registration required)
  • Check-in by Mileade staff and tango team from 4:00-7:30 pm, accompanied by Roland Grittani’s accordion
  • Milonga #2 by DJ Gaspar POCAI (Argentina/France): 4:00-7:00 pm
  • Dinner: 7:00-8:30 pm
  • Milonga #3 by DJ Andrew OLDROYD (UK): 9:30 pm-2:00 am

Saturday 7 June 2025

  • Breakfast: 8:00 am – 10:00 am (coffee service from 10-11:00 a.m. for late arrivals)
  • Optional activity: 11:00 am-12:00 am. Yoga by Laura Crowne (free, upon registration)
  • Optional activity: 11:00 am-12:00 am. Tango classes by Kane and Barbara (€15/25, registration required)
  • “Aperitif”  12:15 am -1:00 pm + group photo on the terrace, facing the rock, with Roland Grittani’s accordion
  • Lunch: 12:00-2:00 pm
  • Check-in by Mileade staff and tango team from 4:00-7:30 pm, accompanied by Roland Grittani’s accordion
  • Milonga #4 by DJ Kane (Argentina/France): 4:00-7:00 pm
  • Dinner: 7:00-8:30 pm
  • Milonga #5 by DJ Gaspar POCAI (Argentina/France) and the Duo de mon Chapeau orchestra (Gaspar Pocai and Julien Blondel): 9:30 pm-2:00 am

Sunday 8 June 2025

  • Breakfast: 8:00 am – 10:00 am (coffee service from 10-11:00 a.m. for late arrivals)
  • Optional activity: 11:00 am-12:00 am. Yoga by Laura Crowne (free, upon registration)
  • Optional activity: 11:00 am-12:00 am. Tango classes by Kane and Barbara (€15/25, registration required)
  • Lunch: 12:00-2:00 pm
  • Optional activity: 11:00 am-12:00 am. Basic zamba choreography workshop by Kane and Barbara (free, registration required, venue dependent on weather) (***)
  • Milonga #6 by DJ Andrew OLDROYD (UK): 4:00-7:00 pm
  • Dinner: 7:00-8:30 pm
  • Milonga #7 by DJ Gaspar POCAI (Argentina/France): 9:30 pm-2:00 am

Monday 9 June 2025

  • Breakfast: 8:00 am – 10:00 am (coffee service from 10-11:00 a.m. for late arrivals)
  • Check out: 10:30 am if no overnight stay
  • Optional activity: 11:00 am-12:00 am. Yoga by Laura Crowne (free, upon registration)
  • Optional activity: 11:00 am-12:30 pm. Practica folklore (chacarera, zamba,…) by Kane and Barbara (free, registration required, venue depending on weather) (***)
  • Included or optional: 12:30 – 2.00pm. Argentinian meal on the terrace (depending on your package)
  • Optional activity: 3:00-11:00 pm. Milonga #8  in front of the ocean, Batterie Hall in Issambres (in the Roquebrune municipality) (**)

Tuesday 10 June 2025

  • Breakfast: 7:30 am – 9:30 am
  • Check out: 10:00 am

(**) Thursday and Monday milongas will be open to the public so leader/follower balance is not assured.
5€ on Thursday (free for Thursday boarders), 10€ for all on Mondays (drinks included)

(***) Folklore: under the pine trees, bring sports shoes (fallback in case of bad weather)


Provisional timetable for the Encuentrito <-> Nice airport shuttle service. Prior registration required.
Thursday 5th from Nice airport at 3 pm and 6 pm
Friday 6 from Nice airport at 3 pm and 6 pm
Monday 9 to Nice airport at 9 am and 11 am
Tuesday 10 to Nice airport at 9 am and 11 am
These times may be adjusted according to the arrival and departure times of those registered.


Find out more about the artists : DJs, musicians, teachers?


DJ CyberChris (France) will keep you dancing on Thursday evening

He’s one of those people you don’t forget once you listen to them. DJ CyberChris takes to the stage like an orchestra conductor who grabs his baton and launches the concert with a gesture. A modern-day troubadour, each time he performs he offers the very best in musical compositions for milongas where dance and music become ‘the queens of the night’.





Gaspar Pocai (Argentine-France) will keep you dancing on Friday afternoon and Saturday evening.

Argentine musician (bandoneon, guitar and vocals). A nomadic artist, he has developed a rich and popular universe through his travels and encounters. With his milonguero repertoire still in his pocket, he waltzes at the heart of the ball with the great classics and contemporary orchestras. A game of listening, improvisation and complicity with the dancers who guide the milonga.







DJ Andrew OLDROYD (Angleterre) will keep you dancing on Friday evening and Sunday afternoon.

Andrew is a solidly traditional Tango DJ with over 20 years experience in the U.K. and increasingly in Europe.
He aims to keep the dancing energy high by playing the A sides drawn from the Golden Age, 1935 to 1955, with only little chosen outside this period.
He keeps the dancers on the floor by frequently changing the energy and mood generated by the music between the tandas. The mood within each tanda however is kept consistent





DJ Kane (Argentine/France) will keep you dancing on Saturday afternoon and Sunday evening

Enjoy the best tandas with Kane. Resident DJ at the Catedral Club in Buenos Aires, he has also performed in the best milongas in Argentina and worked in the Argentine Tango World Cup among other events. He will go through different eras and styles! You’re going to vibrate, you’re going to dance!!!




DUO DE MON CHAPEAU (Argentine/France) plays on Saturday evening.

To the fire the scores to set the dancefloor ablaze. Since 2008, these two companions have been playing a varied and milonguero repertoire with mischievousness. Their music mixes the intensity of the tango, the simplicity of the milonga and the elegance of the waltz with the dirt and popular phrasing in the service of a traditional tango of today.
Julien BLONDEL: piano
Gaspar POCAI: bandoneon, vocals and guitar






Roland GRITTANI (Canada/France) will play several times during the Encuentrito..

Roland has been dancing Argentine tango since 1996. He has performed at many international tango festivals and milongas (Buenos Aires, Paris, Lisbon, Toronto, Vancouver, Belgrade, USA, etc.) and for many tango couples in improvised moments of sharing the joy of tango. For him, it is always a pleasure to play the music that gets the dancers moving in our mutual expression of tango.






As in 2024, Encuentrito will be proposing tango classes (optional and subject to registration, €15/person, €25/couple) and introductions to the chacarera and zamba (free, subject to registration) given by two renowned teachers: Kane Nieves & Barbara Borrelli.

Kane Nieves et Bárbara Borrelli are an Argentine Tango couple who have toured around part of the world. Born in the land of the 2×4, Kane is a dancer with a prolific career in his country endorsed by renowned Argentine institutions and associations: Grupo Copes, Trabajadores del Tango Danza, Milongas con Sentido Social (Miseso), Catedral Club, etc. Bárbara is a dancer trained around the world with teachers of high international renown, she has a wide pedagogical scheme. Together they give workshops, seminars and courses on tango, milonga and vals. They show the different orchestras, traditional and new dance forms, introducing us to this wonderful dance

On Sunday, they invite you to discover zamba, a dance that evokes nostalgia and connection with the land and culture of northern Argentina! A dance of freedom, of seduction with a strong connection. Topics: use of the headscarf, forms and musicality.
The following day, they will be leading a practica where you will dance the zamba as well as the chacarera – an emblematic rhythm of Argentine folklore music, which reflects the energy and passion of the people of northern Argentina! Joy and complicity will be fundamental elements!

Origin of  the first 137 registrants for 2025


Our team eager to take care of you:



Who is this stay for? Can we register individually?

This stay is intended for anyone with a minimum of  4-5 years of experience (6 years and over is preferable for leaders) in various contexts (local milongas, festivals, intensive weekends combining lessons and milongas, encuentros, etc.) with various partners

In order to facilitate parity, it is recommended that leaders do not hesitate to register individually, without first looking for a partner because, it will not surprise you, we always have more requests for followers than leaders, in particular dancers met in Buenos Aires and coming from all over Europe, the USA and South America.

Each leader who registers singly thus allows us to confirm the registration of a follower with a good level dance experience through a waiting list because we noticed that it is always the same people who do not manage to register however their level of dance would allow them to do so. We refuse to force everyone to find a partner before registering

Of course, you can also register as a couple, the idea being however to change partners during the evenings as is customary in the milongas

What do we mean by “encuenTRITO”? What type of milonga will it be?

The diminutive was chosen by the organizers to indicate that, as in the “encuentros”, there are many hours of dancing in closed embrace. However, it differs from encuentros which generally require the recording as a couple and select the dancers according to several criteria, not always explicit. We accept dancers to register singly or as couple and make every of us to include strong females followers.

It is a traditional milonga: tangos, vals and classic milongas music will be linked by tandas of 3 themes to ensure a good dynamic (important point widely acclaimed by the participants of previous editions). The choice of music will respect the standards of the encuentros and will allow itself, in particular at the end of the ball, some tandas of more recent orchestras, always chosen for their musical quality and their danceability.

The closed embrace and respect for the dance lines will be the rule, as well as the courteous invitation by exchange of glances (mirada then cabeceo), which the layout of the room will facilitate without strictly separating leaders and followers (things have changed a lot on this point, including in Buenos Aires). We will enforce these rules with a little more firmness in 2025.

Here, the spirit of openness prevails, while seeking the best possible balance between leaders and followers, we search to have dancers coming from a wide variety of regions of the world.

Who are the organizers?

For accommodation (58 rooms, 40 villas) and food (buffet meals), it is the staff of Mileade.

For the tango part, 3 people and a manager-DJ have joined forces to propose this concept to Mileade and complete the combined lesson+ball offers that already exist in the Resort of Roquebrune-sur-Argens.

The four of us bring together the experience of creating and organizing festivals and milongas and have attended European encuentros and milongas in many countries, particularly in Argentina, Uruguay and the USA.

Our desire is to offer a long weekend devoted to milongas in conditions of comfort, relaxation and conviviality in accordance with our own requirements as dancers.

Will there be sharing moments offered outside the milongas?

The principle is to leave the greatest freedom to everyone for the management of their stay.
Other activities will be proposed by the organizers, in the light of the success met by the entertainments of the previous editions.

Having the whole holiday village allows us to have a wide range of living spaces adapted to what we want to do, often with the participation of registered people.

Assistance will be offered to carpool to visit the surrounding area with the possibility of requesting a packed lunch the day prior.

Is the ball room air-conditioned?

Yes ! but the experience show how difficult it is to manage this type of equipment with a large number of couples practicing the abrazo cerrado.

How to reach the holiday village if arriving by train, plane or carpooling?

From January, we will be asking registrants about their intentions and expectations in terms of transport, based on our experience in Roquebrune for connections with Nice airport (planned shuttles) and the station of Saint-Raphaël/Valescure.

For your end of the journey, we will help you to carpool and and find cost-shared shuttles.

If you wish to carpool from your home, as far as possible you will be put in touch with subscribers whose journey is compatible with yours, which will put you in the Encuentrito atmosphere and reduce your transport costs.

(special thanks to Laura Crowne for translation)

R0 Restaurant
R00 Château (repas, bals)
R01 Piscine
R02 Chambre lits séparés
R03 Chambre lits joints
R05 Buffet d'entrées
R06 Repas
R27 Chacarera en soirée
R28 Surprise 2023 Beltango Trio
R29 Aleksandar et Ivana
R30 Yoga matinal
R31 Atelier chorale
R32 Charla Shiatsu
R33 Détente
R34 Atelier Chacarera
R35 Atelier Chacarera
R36 Atelier Chacarera
R37 Atelier Chacarera
R38 Atelier Chacarera
R39 Atelier Chacarera
R40 After La Batterie
R41 After La Batterie
Cricou Tango